Nothing is Left Here

Nothing is Left Here

When everything is wrong, when hopelessness surrounds you the sun will rise again.. The tide you swim against will carry you back home, So don't give up Don't give in.

Posted by preme | Tuesday, May 06, 2008 | 0 komentar

Mobile technology has made great progress in recent years. Today it is mobile phones that are part of our daily life.

Soon it may be more than just mobile cameras and MP3 players, if a chip companies has its way.

Imagine the scenario, you are miles from home and want to send a message to your spouse or children, or perhaps you want to send your friends a little something extra to make them jealous of the fact that you are on holiday .

Normally we would be very easy to make with a simple text message or a picture snapped on your camera phone, but soon it might be a little something extra in your phone to the experience.

Researchers in Germany have developed a chip, which could offer users the chance to send "fragrance" text messages on their mobile phones.

This fragrance-chips' release odors with regard to the selection for the user SMS messages - be it the scent of flowers or cinnamon Christmas - like a plane freshener you get at home.

The technology could pave the way for a fragrant greetings on your mobile phone. Birthday greetings could be accompanied by the scent of flowers and chocolates, even if the real thing sound even more thoughtful.

However, the technology could prove popular with whom want an extra dimension to their text messages.

The likelihood is that you are on their own mobile phones, which are compatible with the new scent-chip to get the most from all your senses, but there are several companies discussions on the possibility of applying the chips on their handsets in the future.

So the idea of Smell-O-Vision could be closer than we thought. And let's face it, the idea of sending your friends, "the smell of the sea a children's game, if you leave to add that teensy little jealousy sounds a tempting prospect, does it not?

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